Behavioral Standards for Interacting with Minors
Employees, students, volunteers and contractors are prohibited from:
- Taking a child without another adult to private areas, such as bathrooms, locker rooms, storage closets, athletic training rooms, hotel rooms, or personal vehicles
- Having direct electronic contact with minors without another employee, volunteer, or contractor included in the communication
- Sleeping in the same room overnight with minors unless the minor’s parents or guardians are present
- Driving children in a car unless specifically authorized in writing by the minor’s parent or legal guardian
- Taking a minor to your home or any location not included in the camp itinerary, unless the minor’s parents or guardian are present
- Using the same bathroom, locker room or shower as minors, unless separate facilities are not available. In that event, separate usage times must be established
- Releasing a minor to anyone other than an authorized parent, legal guardian or another adult specifically authorized by the custodial parent, and only after confirming their identification
- Striking, hitting, engaging in verbal or physical abusive conduct, or administering corporal punishment to minors or in their presence
- Touching minors in an illegal manner or in a manner that a person could reasonably interpret as inappropriate. Generally, touching should be in the open and for a clear educational, developmental, or health-related purpose
- Providing minors with alcohol or illegal drugs
- Being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs while supervising minors
- Using vulgar language or engaging in sexual talk with minors
- Taking pictures of minors unless the parent or legal guardian has signed a waiver allowing use of photography for program-related purposes
- Providing their home or cell number to minors without receiving permission from their parent or guardian
- Meeting with minors outside of established times for program activities
- Communicating with minors through email, text messages, social networking websites, Internet chat rooms, or other forms of social media unless there is an educational or programmatic purpose for the communication or approved in writing by the parent/guardian
- Permitting guests, including parents/legal guardians and family members of minors or camp staff, in dormitories
- Allowing the participation of unauthorized persons in any camp activities