University Diversity Council
Established and led by the Office of the Provost, the University Diversity Council is comprised of representatives from the university’s colleges, key administrative units, faculty, and students.
In alignment with and support of the Florida Tech's mission to provide high-quality education to a culturally diverse student body in order to prepare students for entering the global workforce, seeking higher-education opportunities, and serving within their communities, the University Diversity Council serves as the advisory and recommending body to the Office of the Provost and liaison of academic and administrative units and student body across the university.
The Diversity Council is committed to help
- promoting increased presence, retention, and advancement of all Florida Tech faculty, staff, and students,
- identifying institutional-level priorities to build and maintain a diverse and inclusive university climate and culture,
- providing platforms and resources for institutional initiatives with the goal of promoting, elevating, and advancing all Florida Tech students, faculty, and staff,
- integrating representation and inclusion strategies with Florida Tech's mission, vision and operations,
- promoting, overseeing, and assessing diversity, equity and inclusion efforts across the university.
Munevver Mine Subasi, Ph.D.
Associate Provost for Academics Affairs & University Diversity Council Chair
Jessica Vinson
Vice President of Human Resources & University Diversity Council Co-Chair
Michael Splitt
Assistant Professor, College of Aeronautics
Ivonne A. Delgado Perez, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Nathan M. Bisk College of Business & Academic Chair, Online Programs Management, Online Learning
Michael King, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Computer Engineering and Sciences
Marcus Hohlmann, Ph.D.
Professor, Aerospace, Physics, and Space Sciences
Felipa Chavez, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, School of Psychology, College of Psychology and Liberal Arts
Andy McIlwraith
Chief Marketing Officer
Nancy Garmer
Associate Dean of Libraries
Jacqueline Hetherington
Director of Residence Life
Kieran Lucas
Aerospace Engineering B.S., College of Engineering Science & Student Government Association (SGA)